Lucan's Life in Lincolnshire

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A short monologue in the style of Old Mother Riley reflecting on the early life of famous comic actor Arthur Lucan who was born and bred in Lincolnshire.
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Kei Bailey
Kei studied Theatre, Film and English Literature at university in York, graduating in 1999 and has been writing theatre, radio and film scripts ever since.
He has written a large number of pantomimes and family shows for professional and amateur companies which have been performed all over the country. He has also written many productions for youth theatres groups across Lincolnshire.
More recently, Kei has been commissioned to write several plays for adult audiences, including two one-act comedies, Where the Mushrooms Grow and Clever Clogs, which have both won ‘best play’ awards in drama festivals.
In addition to this, Kei runs several local creative writing groups and has been involved with many poetry and script writing workshops in schools and for the community across the county.
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