Spirited Place

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View from St Andrew's Church in Holton Holegate
The piece I’ve written for the project came out of a felt sense of the atmosphere places can create and the layerings they hold: past experience, hopes for the future, a stillness in the present.
I’m interested in the way physical material reality can be a converging point for meaning, and in the way the spanning of time can be held in a confluence of geographical perspective and light.
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Emily Abdeni-Holman
I’m a British-Lebanese writer with a strong interest in relationship to place and in how our imaginations are made up of geographical and physical landscapes/landmarks. I’m also fascinated by how we’re constituted by the past, by what’s come before us.
Most of my writing and thinking is to do in some way or another with the interrelations of language, land, spirituality, body, culture: I’m also very interested in class and the impact of economic and other kinds of precarity. I keep an archive of resources on twitter @hemaliee, which is about as far as my use of social media goes.
At the moment I’m mostly writing poetry and creative nonfiction, but am soon beginning a novel project which has been about a decade in the making, using some family archival material.